May 2024 Intergroup & Goal Setting Sessions Canceled / Committee Reports

As most of our Board has been sidelined with an illness, our May 2024 Intergroup Meeting & our Intergroup Inventory Goal Setting session, originally scheduled for Monday the 20th, have been canceled.

Submitted Committee Reports Appear Below Please click on the blue underlined links to see last month’s minutes and Foot Steps’ financial info. All links will open in new tabs.

Meetings Committee Report – April 2024

New Zoom Platforms has four sub projects

  • Change webpage TeamUp presentation
  • Rename zoom platforms, remove 6-Committee
  • Add new platforms to Zoom technically
  • Add new platforms to TeamUp

Group Inventory (Inventorying to determine groups still active on OA Foot Steps schedule)

  1. Update inventory file based on Personal Experience. (done)
  2. Update inventory file based on Zoom Usage (in process but progress delayed due to other projects)
  3. Update inventory status based on changes made to meeting in last six months (done but need to remove changes which we made based on file download comparison)
  4. Follow up with contacts and leaders for remaining unverified groups

Intergroup Representative Basics Workshop was revised and reviewed by committee members.  Next step is to do a dry run.  Discussed developing an onboarding process.

Non-Real Time WhatsApp Meetings Meetings in the TeamUp entry audited with those on the website page and corrected one discrepancy.  Noted that not all NRT chat groups are meetings – some are for support and fellowship. 

For more details, see

Digital Committee – May 2024

  • The Committee continues to correct typos and bad links on our web site and to assist other committees and the Board with making changes to it. Need something? Please email
  • The most significant change we have to report is that and our subdomain will be moving to a different web hosting company. Our old company does not have the most current security safeguards in place, which caused a breach into our website. Fortunately, no lasting damage was done. We do encourage all OA Foot Steps members to familiarize themselves with steps to take to avoid internet scams.
  • We need volunteers
    • Who are familiar with WordPress or have used other web site editors.
    • Who have website experience, especially anyone who can navigate the back end of things.
    • We are also always on the lookout for volunteers for our Podcast subcommittee!
  • We currently meet on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month at 11a Pacific. Look at the calendar on to find the meeting time in your time zone. The listing will be in red.
  • The Committee has established a Google Drive Folder to hold all our reports for Intergroup, starting with this month. You can see this and future reports at
  • Questions? Concerns?

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