If your meeting is recording a speaker, we ask that you follow the following guidelines as have been determined according to our group conscience decision of the OA Foot Steps Intergroup:

  1. SPEAKER RELEASE FORM: Prior to the meeting, please ask your speaker to sign a Speaker Release Form, that is available as a Speaker Release Form .pdf that can be filled in and submitted to our podcast team, or fill in the online form that is submitted directly to the podcast committee.
  2. RECORDED STATEMENT: Be sure to read the following statement at the beginning of the recording, so that there is an audio acceptance of this clause on file: “We welcome {insert name} as our speaker at our {insert meeting name} on {insert date}. When you speak, it is considered implied consent to have your voice and your share recorded and posted on oafootsteps.com as a podcast. To preserve your anonymity, please use only your first name or an alias when you share. We thank you for your service. A reminder to all those listening: The opinions expressed here today are those of individual OA members and do not represent OA as a whole.
  3. POSTED STATEMENT: Periodically, throughout the meeting, we ask that you post the following statement in the chat box to ensure that all those who have joined the meeting are aware the meeting is being recorded. It also might be good practice to turn off their ability to unmute themselves during the speaker’s share, to ensure their voice is not captured on the recording. “This meeting is currently recording the speaker portion of this meeting so that it will be made available as a podcast on the OA Foot Steps Intergroup website to help other compulsive eaters in their recovery. Please keep yourself muted at all times until the recording ends, and the leader of this meeting invites members to share. If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to message the leader of this meeting or email podcast@oafootsteps.com for more information.”

The recording will be saved to the OA Foot Steps Zoom account only, and will not be made public until all of the above have been submitted. Members of the Podcast Committee may access the audio files for the purposes of editing for privacy and uploading to the website, as required. Podcasts will normally be available on the OA Foot Steps website within a week or two, if all has been submitted.

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