Important! Possible Website Outages June 24-28

As some of you may know, OA Foot Steps will be moving to a new web hosting service starting June 24th. In February or March of this year, the Digital Committee began experiencing issues with our website. It came to the Digital Committee’s attention that our current web host does not provide adequate security for our Intergroup’s needs. It became immediately clear that we needed to change to a web hosting service which offers better security for our website, and the Digital Committee found one that meets this need. Therefore, we will be moving the site as of June 24 – 28.

This move may result in a temporary outage of and our newsletter site Outages usually only last an hour or two, but can be up to a couple of days, depending on various internet issues. We are hoping our move from June 24 – 28 will be problem-free, but, of course, sometimes digital things happen. 😉 Possible outages will not affect Zoom.

Once the site has been completely moved, it should appear and function just as it did before we moved from one web host to the other.

But have no fear! The meeting calendar will still be fully functional, and any updates to it will be reflected immediately. If you often use the OA Foot Steps meetings schedule, please bookmark this direct link to it, so that if we do experience a site outage, you can still access the calendar:

Questions? Concerns? Please direct them to

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding!

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