STATEMENT FROM: OA Foot Steps Intergroup Security Committee

Dear OA Foot Steps Members,

OA Foot Steps Security Committee is sending this message to recommend that members  NOT  add your phone number or email address to your Zoom profile name. 

The purpose of this communication is to raise awareness of how the OA Foot Steps Security Committee views this and we are addressing this concern in service to the fellowship.

Zoom intrusion is a global problem that doesn’t have a clear solution. Due to the inclusive nature of our open community and our ongoing practice of Tradition Three, outsiders with nefarious intentions are able to join OA meetings and steal your contact information. They may use this information to cause you harm.

You may feel like this recommendation is over zealous. We understand you may  want your fellows and newcomers to have access to your  contact information. 

We just want you to be aware of the danger. We are  presenting this recommendation in an effort to maintain your  safety. 

However,  it’s your choice.

For questions regarding this statement, please contact the OAFS Security Committee

Yours in Service,

OA Foot Steps Security Committee

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