These documents present recommended processes to use in running a safe meeting. It is recommended that the group support members (leaders, screen sharers, etc.) review these periodically.

Meeting Courtesy Statement

This document describes practices specific to Foot Steps. The number of zoom ID’s and meetings require cooperation between meetings to ensure that we are not interrupting one another or otherwise disturbing the meetings around us.

Setting Up Meeting Security

This document walks meeting support members through specific settings and procedures recommended to keep your meeting safe.

Hosting a Zoom Meeting

This document gives details (including lots of screen shots!) describing how to properly open and close a meeting. If this is not done properly, the next meeting using this zoom ID could be locked out of the meeting. Please review with meeting members periodically and/or make it part of your script.

Sharing OA-Approved Literature

This document highlights the rules surrounding sharing literature online. OA’s World Service Office has outline particular guidelines about when and how to display OA literature.

Zoom Intruder Policy

No matter how hard we try, our meetings are occasionally invaded by zoom intruders. This document outlines the zoom options available to a meeting. It is recommended that this document be used by each meeting to develop their own policy regarding handling zoom intruders.

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