Best Practices: Setting Up Meeting Security
Beginning the zoom session
The host should do the following
- Claim host
- Assign ONE co-host to monitor the waiting room and identify themselves with their display name (i.e., Name, Waiting Room / Security)
- If possible, in advance know who your security co-hosts are going to be.
- If this is not possible, look for someone WHO YOU KNOW and has had security training and co-host them.
Establish Security
- Enable waiting room – assign one co-host to monitor it
- Co-host monitoring the Waiting Room should
- Rename themselves to indicate their role
- Have a clear idea of their responsibilities and work with other meeting support to ensure that intruders who have been sent to the Waiting Room are not readmitted.
- Co-host (other security role)
- Rename themselves to indicate their role
- Keep eyes on the room
- Pin unidentified or new participants
- Co-host monitoring the Waiting Room should
- Host Tools Settings / Participants can…
- Screen share OFF
- Optionally, limit chat to host and co-host (look for three dots in chat box not in the security shield/host tools)
- Collaborate with zoom apps OFF
- Share Notes OFF
- Ability to rename OFF
- Consider need to set meeting time ON
Add these additional Host Tool settings to “Participants can…”
- Unmute themselves OFF
- Rename themselves OFF
- Limit chat to host and co-host (look for three dots in chat box not in the security shield/host tools)
High Level Security Options (Additional):
- Add these additional Host Tool settings to “Participants can…”
- Ability to start video OFF
- Show profile pictures OFF
- Set meeting timer OFF
- Option to lock meeting
Click here to learn more about Hosting a Zoom Meeting