CLICK HERE for the Meetings Committee Monthly Report

About the Meetings Committee

The Meetings Committee maintains the ongoing schedule of both real time & non real time meetings. We welcome volunteers who would like to help us with our ongoing projects and the many requests for meeting additions, edits, & cancellations we receive. Our monthly committee meeting is on the 2nd Sunday monthly at 11a US Pacific /1p US Eastern. Please check our meetings schedule for information on how to join. The listing will be in green.

Help Us Keep the OA Foot Steps Schedule Updated & Accurate!

The Meetings Committee has noticed that a lot of the contact information we have listed for Meeting Leaders, Intergroup Reps, & Meeting Contacts is incorrect.

Because we are a small team of 4 members, we are reaching out to ask for your assistance. If you are a group service member (leader/host, cohost), please take a few minutes to look at your meeting’s listing on on our meetings schedule and If you notice the contact information is missing or incorrect, please communicate with your group to obtain the correct information. Please then fill out the form at If you have questions or need help, please email us at

We also have service opportunities for fellows who enjoy visiting different meetings and connecting with your fellows or who like spreadsheets– please email us at for more information.

Links for Leaders & Other Trusted Servants

  • To add a meeting to the OA Footsteps schedule, please fill out the form at
    • Consult our meetings schedule & double click the available meeting slot for which you’d like to schedule a new meeting. This will tell you which platform you’ll be on & the OA Foot Steps Intergroup #, which you’ll need to fill out the form.
    • If you’re asking to be on the gold (daily) meeting platform, please specify that your meeting is daily. Group Conscience asks that all meetings be scheduled 1 hour after the previous meeting has ended, & start on the next available hour.
    • Please also ensure you have at least 2 volunteers who are somewhat familiar with Zoom to host the meeting.
    • Make sure you press that “Submit” button so we receive it!
  • To edit a meeting listing on the schedule or cancel a meeting, please fill out the form at
    • Find your meeting on the meetings schedule & double click the listing to open it. This will tell you the OA Foot Steps Intergroup # and hopefully the OA Registration #, which you’ll need to fill out the form.
    • Make sure you press that “Submit” button so we receive it!
  • Questions? Problems? Email

Other links that might be helpful:

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