Come join us on Saturday, October 8th for an Intergroup Inventory!

We have enlisted the help of the Virtual Region Trustee and the chair of Virtual region, as neutral, experienced OA member’s to help facilitate an inventory for our intergroup this coming Saturday, but in the preparation we are asking all members to fill in this questionnaire of inventory questions so that we might prepare for this meeting.

This inventory is divided into three parts:
A. A look at the function of the intergroup or service board
B. Twelfth Step work within the Fellowship
C. Carrying the message to the still-suffering compulsive overeater

The following sets of questions are suggestions only. Their purpose is to evaluate our intergroup’s present performance and to share some ideas about service from other intergroups/service boards.

When you have completed the inventory, you will probably discover that your intergroup has more strengths than you realized. After all, it takes commitment to be willing to do an inventory in the first place. You may also find some weaknesses. Just as in your personal recovery, appreciate your strengths. As for your weaknesses, remember that help is available to you from your region, your region trustee, and the World Service Office.

Take a deep breath, and good luck!

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