We are currently seeking applications for the following:


Online registration is open now.

PLEASE NOTE: There is an upcoming motion on the following Secretary’s “Job Description” as found in our Policy & Procedures. If adopted, it will significantly impact the nature of this role for our newly appointed Secretary. Click HERE for more details!


Bylaws: Article IV – The OA Foot Steps Board

Section 2 – Qualifications
Qualifications for the OA Foot Steps Board are: 

  1. Regular attendance at an OA Foot Steps affiliated meeting.
  2. One (1) year of continuous recovery in Overeaters Anonymous as evidenced by one (1) year of current abstinence.
  3. It shall be a requirement that the officer shall demonstrate continued recovery, in accordance with the Overeaters Anonymous definition of ‘abstinence and recovery’ throughout the entire term of office. 
  4. Each person shall be the judge of their own recovery.
  5. Have worked the Twelve Steps and have a working understanding of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA Service. 
  6. Have attended at least three (3) prior OA Foot Steps Business Meetings within the past twelve (12) months as a voting member.
  7. When a Board position cannot be filled in line with these qualifications, the qualifications may be set aside by a two-thirds majority of a regular or special business meeting of OA Foot Steps provided a quorum is present.

Section 5 – Term of Office

  1. Board members may serve no more than two (2) complete consecutive terms.
  2. The term of office is two (2) years starting on the 3rd Sunday of January.
  3. A member may serve again on the board after a leave of one (1) year.

Policies & Procedures: Article V – Board Members

  1. General Duties
    1. Perform the duties of their offices in accordance with the OA Foot Steps Bylaws and this Policy and Procedure Manual and other governing documents the intergroup may adopt.
    2. Serve as guardian of OA Foot Steps funds.
    3. Participate in an annual financial audit.
    4. Take actions deemed in the best interests of OA Foot Steps and report such actions at the next OA Foot Steps regular or special business meeting. 
    5. In accordance with OA Foot Steps Bylaws Article VII, the OA Foot Steps Board may recruit special workers on behalf of OA Foot Steps.
    6. A Board member will be appointed to act as liaison and supervisor of a special worker on behalf of OA Foot Steps.
    7. Oversee the creation and maintenance of a digital platform for the interchange of ideas and information among Members and the OA Foot Steps Board.
    8. Attend all business meetings per term of office unless excused by the Chair of the OA Foot Steps Board.
    9. Become familiar with and assume responsibility for adherence to: OA Foot Steps, Virtual Region and World Service Office Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Manuals, and Standing Rules.
    10. Assists others in becoming familiar with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA Service.
    11. Reports:
      1. Submit a written report to OA Foot Steps at least ten (10) days prior to the next business meeting,
      2. At the Business Meeting, answer questions on their report for a maximum of 5 minutes. 
    12. Respond to all correspondence, phone calls, and questions in a timely manner.
    13. Upon completion of service term, provide their successor with any information and documents from their service period via either written or electronic media.
    14. Serve as board liaison to committees as determined by the Chair.
    15. Appoints assistants if required.

Policies & Procedures: Article V – Board Members

2. Duties by Position: (c) Secretary

  1. Takes minutes of all Business and Board Meetings.
    1. The secretary will create a set of minutes for each business meeting and may appoint assistants if needed.
  1. The following guidelines will guide the preparation of the minutes:
    1. The minutes should contain a record of what was done at the meetings, not what was said by the members.
    2. The following should be included at the start of the minutes:
      1. The kind of meeting: Regular or Special.
      2. The name of the organization: Overeaters Anonymous Foot Steps Virtual Intergroup
      3. The date and time of the meeting.
      4. If the previous minutes were approved, and the date of the meeting to which the minutes pertain.

Note: Any correction approved by the intergroup is made in the text of the minutes being approved. The minutes of the meeting making the correction merely states that they were approved “as corrected” without specifying the correction.

  1. OA service titles will be included, personal names will be omitted.
  2. The items contained in paragraph 3 i-v above may be presented in paragraph, number or bullet form.
  1. The minutes should contain a separate section for each subject matter and should show:
    1. All main motions that were voted on during the meeting limited to:
      1. The wording of the motion as it was adopted or otherwise voted on.
      2. That the motion was duly proposed and seconded.
      3. Whether the motion was adopted, defeated or referred. (If the motion was referred to whom it was referred).
      4. The report on the vote to include the number of votes on each side.
    2. All primary amendments and secondary amendments to any main motions that were voted on during the meeting limited to:
      1. The wording of the amendment as it was adopted or otherwise voted on.
      2. That the motion was duly proposed and seconded.
      3. Whether the amendment was adopted or defeated.
      4. The report on the vote to include the number of votes on each side.
    3. Secondary motions and their outcome to include:
      1. Motion to adjourn.
      2. Motion to suspend the rules.
      3. Motion to amend the rules.
    4. Any withdrawn motion, only stating that the motion was withdrawn.
    5. Brief summary of oral reports.
    6. All points of order and appeals, whether sustained or lost, together with reasons for the ruling.
    7. The time of adjournment. 
  2. When a matter is considered informally, the same information is recorded in the minutes, since the only formality in proceedings is debate.
  3. All other matters are recorded as occurring but no further information is included.
  4. A copy of all Board Reports, Standing Committee Reports, and Ad-Hoc committee reports will be attached to the minutes.
  1. Ensures a copy of the unapproved minutes shall be posted on the OA Foot Steps website within ten (10) days of the Business Meeting.
  2. Creates an archived digital copy of all OA Foot Steps documents for storage on an appropriate platform.
  3. Coordinate with the appropriate committees to maintain a list of hosts, facilitators and admins including but not limited to their name, email, contact telephone as well as meeting leaders and Intergroup Representatives.
  4. Be responsible for keeping and giving out passwords for all digital platforms to those authorized by their position, unless restricted or otherwise assigned.
  5. Be responsible for the preparation of business meeting related materials.
  6. Be responsible for updating credentials and roll call for and at OA Foot Steps Business Meetings.
  7. Submits final reports to the OA Foot Steps Bylaws Committee within 25 days (or as soon as they are made available) of the OA Foot Steps Business Meeting, Virtual Region Assembly or World Service Business Conference.
  8. Other duties as assigned.

Additional Information:

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