Service Positions

Please note: Listings are posted for 90 days. Contact if you would like your listing renewed.

Service PositionDescriptionContact infoPosted Until
ESH NewsletterA committee chair is needed. See description

Committees Seeking New Members

Committee DescriptionContact infoPosted Until
Meetings Support Find yourself really appreciating the meetings calendar on the OA Footsteps website?  Looking for a way to be of service because you know how important that is to your abstinence?  Are you a persistent detail oriented person who likes solving problems?  Why not check out the Meetings Support Committee? 
Email for more information.3/31/2025
SecurityOA Foot Steps has been at the forefront of security safeguarding our meetings here at OA Foot Steps by offering workshops not only for our own intergroup, but others also!Email for more information.12/31/2024
TWELFTH STEP WITHINTo strengthen OA in our intergroup and beyond by sharing information and ideas, and to help members address relapse and recovery including: Speaker-Sponsorship, Workshops, a focus on membership retention, providing literature to address Twelfth Step Within concerns, outreach to members in relapse, regular Step-Study workshops, reaching out to those still suffering within and without, and being a resource for any groups that may need any extra help. Email for more information.12/31/2024
By-LawsHello fellows! We are looking to rotate service for our bylaws committee. This is a relatively low-time commitment service opportunity and a wonderful way to support our intergroup! No experience needed.Email for more information3/31/2025
Digital/WebsiteDo you have beginning to expert level experience with WordPress, CPanel, WP Plugins, Permissions & Emails on Google Business, Podcasts, or Graphics? We need you!

Not experienced in any of that but want be involved? That’s fine too!
Please come to the Digital Committee Meetings on the 2nd or 4th Mondays of the month at 2p Eastern Time (listed on the schedule in red). Or email for more information.12/31/2024
InformationWe are looking for a dedicated team of members who might coordinate their efforts as a committee to respond to requests for information that come into our intergroup. Two areas need development:

1. Responding to Email Requests
2. Responding to our incoming Hotline Calls

This role might involve developing scripts for the more commonly asked questions, and the ability to ascertain the nature of the inquiry to better serve the needs of our fellowship, by directing the inquiry to the right committee, etc. This is an exciting role, welcoming our newcomers, as well as the information support for our current membership.

The key role is the ability to respond to emails or calls as they arrive, especially from our Newcomers, and sometimes redirect inquiries to appropriate sources within our Intergroup.

As a committee member, any emails directed to: would be automatically forwarded to you, and all the other team members. When an inquiry comes in, one of us responds to them directly, by using REPLY ALL. This makes sure that other team members know the inquiry has been responded to.

Longer abstinence and a working knowledge of OA on a service level are recommended, but not essential.
For more information, please reach out to info@oafootsteps.com3/31/2025
ESH Newsletter
Hoping to find regular contributors as well, who might wish to run a “column” on their favourite recovery topic, or a cartoon, or a puzzle, etc… If you have an idea for regular content that we can post each edition, come along on Wednesday and we will help you develop this idea!!

We also keen to find service folk who have technical experience with WordPress and/or websites. If this is of interest to you, be sure to email us at to join our ESH Tech Subcommittee.

This online newsletter can be found at It is OA Foot Steps official Newsletter that needs YOU! If you ARE interested in submitting some of your writings, your artwork, your music, please use the following link to submit an item:

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