Sharlotte – Test Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.DATE *Please use this format: YEAR-MONTH-DAY or 0000-00-00CHOOSE ACTION: *Amendment to Existing PolicyNew BusinessThird ChoiceCHOOSE DOCUMENT: *OA Foot Steps VIG BylawsOA Foot Steps VIG Policies & Procedures Manual {P&P}Standing Rules & Meeting ProceduresContinuing Effective Motions {CEM}MOTION TITLE: *Briefly describe motion in under ten words, if possible.SUBMITTED BY: *Amendments may be proposed by any registered meeting of OA Foot Steps, the OA Foot Steps Board, or an OA Foot Steps Committee. If you have any questions email bylaws@oafootsteps.comMOTION STATEMENT: *A brief statement as to the nature of the amendment and what it pertains to. Please be as specific as possible, and utilize specific references if at all possible. CURRENT: *Current wording in document. If it does not currently exist, type ‘none’ and proceed to the proposed wording in the next field. PROPOSED: *Proposed wording in document.INTENT:What is the intended result of this motion?COST:What would be the projected monetary cost of this motion? If none, please type none. IMPLEMENTATION:What would be the projected service implementation that would be required of this motion? If none, please type none.PRIMARY PURPOSE:What is the primary purpose of this motion? How does it relate to our Traditions, and Concepts of Service? RATIONALE: TIME FRAME:Projected Time Frame and/or Deadline DatesFILE UPLOAD Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Add any other relevant information as required to support this motion. Email *Is your meeting or committee willing to commit to at least six months of service in order to facilitate this motion, if applicable?Yes! I am willing!No, let someone else do it!Not applicable to this motionSubmit