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Briefly describe motion in under ten words, if possible.
Amendments may be proposed by any registered meeting of OA Foot Steps, the OA Foot Steps Board, or an OA Foot Steps Committee. If you have any questions email
A brief statement as to the nature of the amendment and what it pertains to. Please be as specific as possible, and utilize specific references if at all possible.
Current wording in document. If it does not currently exist, type ‘none’ and proceed to the proposed wording in the next field.
Proposed wording in document.
What is the intended result of this motion?
What would be the projected monetary cost of this motion? If none, please type none.
What would be the projected service implementation that would be required of this motion? If none, please type none.
What is the primary purpose of this motion? How does it relate to our Traditions, and Concepts of Service?
Projected Time Frame and/or Deadline Dates
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Add any other relevant information as required to support this motion.
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