Thinking of Joining OA Foot Steps?
Foot Steps intergroup contains approximately 200 recovery meetings hosted across ten zoom platforms. Having so many meetings on our schedule means that many people come here searching for meetings and your meeting will have a greater reach than it might otherwise. Committees are the means by which the Intergroup supports its meetings and accomplishes its goals. The committees are: Security, Digital, Bylaws, Budget, Meeting Support, Twelve Step Within and Outreach. See more details on our committees here. We encourage you to attend a committee meeting and see what they’re all about. Many of us have found that the tool of service strengthens our program significantly.
What can OA Foot Steps do for me?
- Visibility to hundreds of people looking for recovery.
- Access to zoom platforms at no cost to you.
- Access to a fellowship platform suitable for parking lots and Group Conscience meetings.
- Security Training
- A response team for instances when there are problems getting into your meeting. This includes a phone number posted on the header and footer of every web page.
- WhatsApp groups to support meetings,
- Celebrations such as Birthday Parties, coin distribution and more!
- Maintain the OA.ORG meeting database.
What should I do for OA Foot Steps?
- Have two people on your leadership team trained in security, and have at least one leader and one trained security lead on every meeting.
- Send a group rep to our Intergroup meetings (3rd Sunday of the month at 3pm ET).
- Keep your meeting information up to date.
- Participate on a committee and encourage other meeting members to do the same
The next step is to search for available time on our schedule. For that, visit our How to Add a Meeting page.
We are grateful that you are interested in Foot Steps Intergroup and look forward to the opportunity to serve you. If you have further questions, please reach out to
Thank you for your interest in OA Foot Steps. Here is a bit of history about our Intergroup.
The Meeting Support Committee