Twelfth Step Within Committee
Mission Statement: The Twelfth Step Within Committee is dedicated to nurturing the recovery journey of existing members. Their mission is to provide support, foster fellowship, and celebrate milestones within OA Foot Steps. Through sponsorship, workshops, and a variety of engaging activities, they aim to create an inclusive and supportive community for all members.
The Twelfth Step Within Committee has the privilege and responsibility to:
- Facilitate and promote sponsorship programs.
- Organize workshops focused on the Twelfth Steps and recovery principles.
- Plan events to promote fun, fellowship, and social connection among members.
- Recognize and celebrate recovery milestones.
- Welcome and support newcomers joining OA Foot Steps.
- Disseminate announcements related to member recovery and achievements.
- Provide support for recovery from relapse.
- Develop strategies for membership retention and engagement.