We are currently accepting applications for World Service Business Conference Delegates.
Online registration is open now. Please have your application in before
Midnight (Eastern time) on January 4th, 2025.

Theme: To Carry the Message is Our Primary Purpose
Dates: May 4-10, 2025 {virtual attendance only. No Face-to-face attendance}

OA Foot Steps is seeking delegates to attend {virtually} the upcoming World Service Business Conference. Our intergroup will cover your conference registration expenses.

OA Foot Steps Policies & Procedures:

Article 5 – World Service Business Conference Delegate

Section 2 – Requirements and Term of Office

  1. Candidates must meet the requirements outlined in the OA Bylaws Subpart B for World Service Business Conference delegates. Abstinence requirements shall be interpreted as abstinence while in OA.
  2. Candidates must have attended at least one Region Assembly within the last five years as
    a representative.
  3. Candidates must apply at least seven days in advance of the election meeting.
  4. Candidates must specify their preferred World Service Business Conference Committee
    on their application.
  5. Nominees need to attend the election meeting to be considered.
  6. Delegates serve a two-year term and can stand for re-election for another two years.
  7. An elected delegate will be reaffirmed in the second year of their term. The Vice-Chair
    will present a report for each affirmation based on the responsibilities (section 3) of this
  8. A previous delegate must take a two-year break after four years of service. This
    qualification may be set aside by a two-thirds majority of the intergroup voting members.
  9. Candidates must show prior service by attending at least two Intergroup meetings in the
    last six months prior to the January deadline.

Section 3 – Responsibilities

  1. As far as possible, delegates should attend Intergroup meetings throughout the entire term of office and give verbal updates to the intergroup.
  2. Delegates will:
    1. Represent the intergroup at all World Service Business Conference meetings.
    2. Actively engage in a designated World Service Business Conference committee
      throughout their term.
    3. Work with the World Service Business Conference Coordinator and
      Representatives to prepare for active participation.
    4. Present a joint report to the intergroup at a Business Meeting following the World
      Service Business Conference.
    5. Abide by the financial policies of the Intergroup as set out in our Policies &
      Procedures Manual: Article 3 – Financial Policies.
    6. Ensure all communications about The World Service Business Conference and
      The World Service Office are shared with the intergroup.
Use initial letter of Last Name
Note: Each person shall be the sole judge of their abstinence.
Note: You do not need to be a meeting representative or leader to give service as a delegate to the World Service Business Conference (WSBC) as long as you have met the abstinence and the service requirements.

Do you agree to the OA Footsteps Data Privacy Policy?

You can ask for your name to be removed from the list for general distribution by emailing privacy@oafootsteps.com. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact the Vice Chair vicechair@oafootsteps.com.
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