TEST: Contact Page
General Inquiries | |
Suggestion Box | |
Report a Meeting | Use this if you have a problem visiting a meeting |
How to Add / Edit / Delete a Meeting | Change how a meeting is listed on our calendar |
Meeting Leader Support | Meeting setup and security |
Security Support | Security webpage |
Submit a Request to the Digital Committee | Use if you see any mistakes on the website or if you want to request any changes |
Submit a Motion | New motions for the Intergroup business meeting. Please also consider taking this to the Bylaws Committtee. They will help. |
Podcast Speaker Release | Authorize Foot Steps to publish a recording |
Submit an Announcement | Submit an announcement |
Chair | chair@oafootsteps.com |
Vice Chair | vicechair@oafootsteps.com |
Treasurer | treasurer@oafootsteps.com |
Secretary | secretary@oafootsteps.com |
Digital | digital@oafootsteps.com |
All Board Members | board@oafootsteps.com |
OA Foot Steps Virtual Intergroup #09670
Suite #131-356 Ontario St.
Stratford, ON N5A 7X6
PHONE: 1 (877) 519-0777
GENERAL INQUIRIES: info@oafootsteps.com